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    The Habit of Having No Habits

    When we first begin to form a habit, we are fully aware of it. There are times when we are aware of becoming virtuous and godly, but this awareness should only be a stage we quickly pass through as we grow spiritually. If we stop at this stage, we will develop a sense of spiritual pride. The right thing to do with godly habits is to immerse them in the life of the Lord until they become such a spontaneous expression of our lives that we are no longer aware of them. Our spiritual life continually causes us to focus our attention inwardly for the determined purpose of self-examination, because each of us has some qualities we have not yet added to our lives.

    Bring your pain to Jesus

    Grief and pain are a part of life. But we may forget that Jesus experienced these emotions as well. Today on Discover the Word, we ask the question, “When Jesus comes to us in our grief, do we recognize Him?” Listen today to Discover the Word!

    Bring your loss to Jesus

    Have you ever lost someone or something and worried that nothing would ever fill the hole left behind? Today, Discover the Word team members discuss how Jesus comforts us in the midst of our loss and grief. It’s a comforting truth coming to you today on Discover the Word!

    Bring your mustard seed-size faith to Jesus

    Today on Discover the Word, the Bible tells us that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. So, does the size of our faith determine God’s response? Find out when you join us today on Discover the Word!

    Bring your fatigue to Jesus

    Do you feel weighed down by all the work and worry of life? Well, today on Discover the Word, we discuss how we can bring our fatigue to Jesus and let Him carry our burdens. It’s the final week of the series “Bring It to Jesus”! Listen to Discover the Word!

    Bring your mistakes to Jesus

    Mistakes happen. And most often mistakes have consequences. But as we’ll see today on Discover the Word, mistakes don’t have to define us. It’s a part of  the discussion of the series titled,  “Bring It to Jesus.” You’re invited to receive the amazing restoration that Jesus provides when you bring it to Jesus, today, on […]

    Bring your disappointments to Jesus

    How do we respond to disappointing news? What do we do when things don’t turn out as we hoped, and we have to deal with the disappointment? Today on Discover the Word, we explore that very question. What good does it do to take our disappointment to Jesus? Listen today to Discover the Word!

    Five-Minute Rule

    I read about a 5-minute rule that a mother had for her children. They had to be ready for school and gather together 5 minutes before it was time to leave each day.

    They would gather around Mom, and she would pray for each one by name, asking for the Lord’s blessing on their day. Then she’d give them a kiss and off they’d run. Even neighborhood kids would be included in the prayer circle if they happened to stop by. One of the children said many years later that she learned from this experience how crucial prayer is to her…

    Vital Intercession

    As we continue on in our intercession for others, we may find that our obedience to God in interceding is going to cost those for whom we intercede more than we ever thought. The danger in this is that we begin to intercede in sympathy with those whom God was gradually lifting up to a totally different level in direct answer to our prayers. Whenever we step back from our close identification with God’s interest and concern for others and step into having emotional sympathy with them, the vital connection with God is gone.

    Bring your worries to Jesus

    I think it’s safe to say that we all worry about something, even though we know it doesn’t really change anything! Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss what it looks like to bring our worries to Jesus. The group turns to Matthew 6 to continue their series “Bring It to Jesus,” today,  right here […]

    Bring your thirst to Jesus

    Tap water is amazing! Do you ever think about how great it is, when you’re thirsty, to turn on the faucet and have water come pouring out? Well, be part of the Discover the Word team today as they dive into John chapters 4 and 7 and talk about how to quench your spiritual thirst.  We’re […]

    Bring your hunger to Jesus

    Have you ever found yourself snacking, unsure exactly why? You’re just, hungry . . . for something. But in a lot of ways, we’re all looking for something to fill us, to satisfy us. Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss how the hunger in our souls can find satisfaction when we “Bring It to […]

    What You Will Get

    This is the firm and immovable secret of the Lord to those who trust Him— “I will give your life to you . . . .” What more does a man want than his life? It is the essential thing. “. . . your life . . . as a prize . . .” means that wherever you may go, even if it is into hell, you will come out with your life and nothing can harm it. So many of us are caught up in exhibiting things for others to see, not showing off property and possessions, but our blessings. All these things that we so proudly show have to go. But there is something greater that can never go— the life that “is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3).

    What Do You Want?

    Are you seeking great things for yourself, instead of seeking to be a great person? God wants you to be in a much closer relationship with Himself than simply receiving His gifts— He wants you to get to know Him. Even some large thing we want is only incidental; it comes and it goes. But God never gives us anything incidental. There is nothing easier than getting into the right relationship with God, unless it is not God you seek, but only what He can give you.

    If you have only come as far as asking God for things, you have never come to the point of understanding the least bit of what surrender really means.

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